My Musicals

I have been creating musicals for twelve years. This has become the main focus of my efforts.

It has been thrilling for me to include so many of my interests into one genre. I love composing songs, writing lyrics, thinking up stories, imagining sets and costumes and even my photography has come in useful.

My over-arching ideal is to create a show which is completely original (I don’t seem to be interested in adaptions).

The story often springs from a particular cause or issue that pre-occupies me such as the environment, or the inequalities in our society.

So the first impetus comes from a subject-matter rather than the characters. The people in the story arise from plot and context..

I imbue the tale with as much vitality as I can with colourful characters and clear conflicts.. I have a penchant for satire, irony and you often find dark humour and the bitter-sweet elements lurking in my tales. Once the story is in my head I then have a simple technique.

Every five minutes or so I drop in a song which hopefully has enough melody and skilful lyrics to stand alone beyond its existence in the musical.

Here are my musicals, starting with the most recent: